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The 'Windrush Writers Network'

The 'Windrush Writers Network' is being developed by Learning Links International, with support from Jamaican poet, Yasus Afari, and colleagues in Wales.

Yasus Afari, the founder of the Jamaica Poetry Festival, has successfully developed online approaches to bring poets together from across the world, along with poets from Jamaica. Yasus has worked in Wales during his Black History tours and activities around Wales since 2007.

Yasus Afari explains:  "The main aim of the 'Windrush Writers Network' is to unearth the Empire MV Windrush story in poetry, both the Departure from Kingston, Jamaica and the Arrival in Tilbury, England, as well as recognising the distruption to families and the life changing experiences, through to exploring the stories and successes of their children and grandchildren - the so called 'Windrush Generation'". 

We have interest from poets, musicians and writers now active with the Windrush Writers Network, bringing together a team that can suport the development of new writing, taking a Multi-Generational approach to unpack experiences, especially reflecting on experiences and challenges faced during the ongoing Windrush Scandal, which unfairly targeted people from Jamaica and other areas of the Caribbean. 

Our approach will be focussed on healing, rather than adding further distress to those who have endured enough already. Celebration of achievement and use of the famed wit of Jamaicans will certainly feature, as well in the collection of work which will also use the latest in videography to present poetry. 

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